Acupuncture is the insertion of sterile fine needles into appropriate acupuncture points to promote the body's natural healing capabilities. Acupuncture can treat acute or chronic pain, muscle strains, muscle atrophy (Bell's Palsy), headaches/migraines, insomnia, stress, depression, digestive disorders, gynecological disorders (menopause) and common colds/flu.
Physical Therapy
Physical Therapy restores, maintains, and promotes not only optimal physical function, but optimal wellness & fitness and quality of life. Physical therapy uses stretches and exercise to rehabilitate a person back to their prior level of function.
Chinese Herbs
Herbal medicine is the use of plants, fruits, minerals, and roots for medicinal purposes. When prescribed correctly, herbal therapy is a powerful healing tool with few side effects.
"...When medical doctors didn't know what to do with my health issue or just wrote a prescription for me which never fixed anything, Sharlyna knew what to do and went to work....She has been incredibly instrumental in my health walk & I always feel so much better after every treatment....She has made such a difference in how I feel and function day to day. I honestly don't know what I would do without her!"
"I used to get sinus infections and colds three times a year! But after seeing Sharlyna on a regular basis, I haven't had a sinus infection or cold in over a year!"
Initial Consultation: 1.5-2 hours - $160.00
Tongue Evaluation
Pulse Diagnostics
Acupuncture treatment
Herbal Recommendations as appropriate
Plan for course of treatment
Educational materials
Follow-Up Consultations: 1 hour - $90.00
Tongue Evaluation
Pulse Diagnostics
Acupuncture treatment
Herbal Recommendations as appropriate*
Gua Sha as needed